Monday, February 6, 2012

MOTU Volta Voltage Control Instrument Plug-In

!±8±MOTU Volta Voltage Control Instrument Plug-In

Brand : MOTU
Rate :
Price : $189.00
Post Date : Feb 06, 2012 21:16:02
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

With MOTU Volta, any hardware device with a control voltage (CV) input can be placed under precise digital control from your favorite audio workstation software. This state-of-the-art virtual instrument plug-in lets you play and automate modulars, analog synths—even effects processors. Imagine being able to play and automate your CV-equipped analog gear from Digital Performer, Logic Pro, or Live, with the same level of control, precision, and convenience as a virtual instrument. Here are just a few examples of what you can do with MOTU Volta: •Perform MIDI sequencing with external modular synths with sample-accurate precision (if your host sequencer supports sample-accurate MIDI) •Automatically calibrate and tune oscillators with the click of a button •Use ramp automation in your host audio software to control filters, envelope generators, effects processors, and other voltage-controlled external gear •Apply LFOs, step sequencers, and pattern sequencers to CV inputs and tempo-sync them to your host software timeline Signal Path To use Volta, simply instantiate it as an instrument plug-in in your host software. You then trigger Volta with MIDI notes and a variety of other control sources, and Volta outputs corresponding control voltage (CV) signals to the audio outputs of a DC-coupled audio interface. The resulting CV signals are routed to the CV inputs of your external hardware. Audio output is routed back to Volta. As you can see, the signal path for Volta plug-in is a simple loop: a control voltage signal goes out to the external hardware. Pitch information comes back in, through Volta, as a normal digital audio stream that feeds into your host audio software mixing environment. From there, you can mix, process, and master Volta's audio output just like any other virtual instrument. Interface MOTU Volta is easy to use but offers plenty of advanced programming features. The upper portion of the Volta window displays 24 output "slots", whic

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